Concise Minutes - Remuneration Board

Meeting Venue:

By teleconference

Meeting date: Thursday, 2 April 2020

Meeting time: Times Not Specified
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:

WRB (28)





Board members:

Trevor Reaney

Ronnie Alexander

Michael Redhouse

Dame Jane Roberts (Temporary Chair)


Craig Griffiths, Legal Adviser

Carys Evans, Head of Member Support and Engagement

Joanna Adams, AM Senior Business Partner

Anna Daniel, Head of Strategic Transformation Service

Huw Gapper, Senior Constitutional Change Officer

Matthew Richards, Head of Legal Services

Martin Jennings, Research Service


Lleu Williams (Clerk)

Dan Collier (Deputy Clerk)



1       Chair's introduction

1.1     The Temporary Chair welcomed Board members to the meeting.

1.2     Apologies had been received from Dame Dawn Primarolo. The Board wished her well for her absence. Jane Roberts was selected as Temporary Chair for this meeting.

1.3     No declarations of interest were made.

1.4     The Board wished to thank officials for organising today’s meeting under the current circumstances.

1.5     The Board agreed the minutes of the 27 February meeting as a correct record.

1.6     The Board noted the Commission’s correspondence related to centrally funded stationery costs. The Board agreed to consider a further paper on the issue at its next meeting.

1.7     The Board noted that the Commission was reviewing rules related to the use of Assembly resources and noted that the Clerk of the Assembly will liaise with the Chair of the Board on the revisions proposed.

1.8     The Board noted that the Assembly has cancelled its plans to conduct a week of business in north east Wales in June 2020. The Board agreed that its previous decision, that the limited number of return journeys by support staff outlined in the Determination could be utilised between the Member’s constituency/region and the location in north east Wales, would still apply should the week be rescheduled.

1.9     The Board agreed to consider further options on information security at its next meeting.

1.10 The Board considered information provided on Covid-19. In response to changes made by the Assembly, the Board agreed that it would be reasonable to provide an additional office holder’s allowance for the role of Designated Temporary Presiding Officer but not that of Acting Plenary Chair.

1.11 The Board noted and agreed its Forward Work Programme for the remainder of its term.

1.12 The Board noted that it might be required to conduct its May meeting by virtual methods. The Board also agreed to review whether to proceed with scheduled Representative Group meetings nearer the date.

Action points:

-     The Secretariat to publish the February meeting minutes.

-     The Secretariat to prepare a paper on centrally funded stationery costs.

-     The secretariat to prepare options on information security for the Board.



2       Item for decision: Supporting Members in response to Covid-19

2.1        The Board considered its options related to supporting Members in response to the Covid-19 outbreak.

2.2        The Board agreed not to provide additional office costs at this stage but to keep the situation under constant review.

2.3        The Board agreed to maintain the status quo on staffing provision for the time being.

2.4        The Board agreed to consider setting up a central allowance to fund a homeworking allowance for support staff, based on HMRC rates. The Board noted that it would be at the Member’s discretion whether or not to provide it to staff.

2.5        The Board discussed what further provisions it could put in place to support flexible working arrangements. The Board agreed to maximise flexibility where possible and that it would put in place a range of options to assist Members with supporting their staff to work flexibly where required.

Action point:

-     The secretariat to prepare a letter to Members and support staff outlining the Board’s decisions.



3       Item for decision: Change to the support staff Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures

3.1        The Board considered responses to its consultation. The Board decided to implement the changes to both the support staff Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures. The Board agreed that the changes should take effect immediately.

Action point:

-     The secretariat to amend the Procedures and issue to Members and support staff.



4       Item for decision: Review of the Determination for the Sixth Assembly

4.1        The Board considered the responses it received to its consultation on the draft Determination for the Sixth Senedd. The Board noted its thanks for all those who provided responses. The Board considered all the response and options with care.

4.2        The Board noted its intention, circumstances allowing, to publish the Determination for the Sixth Senedd by the end of May 2020.

Action point:

-     The secretariat to prepare the Determination for the Sixth Senedd and accompanying report for the Board’s agreement.





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